Midland County Fairgrounds

  • Festivals, Events & Fairgrounds
  • Social Service Agencies, Associations & Clubs
6905 Eastman Ave.
Midland, MI 48642
(989) 835-7901
(989) 835-2336 (fax)
The Midland Fairgrounds office is open Monday through Friday from 9 to noon and 1:00 to 4:30p.m.
  • About

    Midland County Fairgrounds is the place for agricultural education and entertainment events for the Community. Our annual fair is held in August each year. Other events including horse shows, dog shows, company picnics, festivals, weddings, and special events keep us busy throughout the year. Rental space for weddings, company picnics and unique business meetings for up to 1000 people. Call us today to help plan your next event.

  • Directions

    Conveniently located in Mid-Michigan, the Midland fairgrounds is located on Eastman Road just north of U.S10 at exit 122. The fairgrounds also has a secondary entrance on airport Road.


Printed courtesy of www.mbami.org – Contact the Midland Business Alliance for more information.
300 Rodd St., Ste. 101, Midland, MI 48640 – (989) 839-9901 – mba@mbami.org