May 31, 2023
New Recycling Contractor GFL Prepares to Deliver New Bins to City Recyclers
The City of Midland will have a new recycling contractor effective July 1, 2023, as GFL Environmental Inc. replaces Republic Services in providing the City’s curbside recycling collection. While collection days won’t change for most recycling customers, all recycling customers will receive new bins, updated collection schedules, and instructions for the removal of their current bins.
On Monday, June 5, GFL will begin delivering new black and green 95-gallon recycling bins to all current City recyclers beginning with Week 1 recycling customers. All bins will be set at the curb with an informational flyer and letter containing more detailed information about recycling collection and an updated collection schedule magnet good through 2028. Please review both thoroughly! Residents do not need to be home during bin delivery. The bin delivery process should take 2 – 4 weeks to complete. Recyclers should begin using the black and green bins for their July recycling collection day.
All properties with brown Republic Services recycling bins should continue to use their current bins through their June recycling collection day. Please leave the brown bin at the curb following your June collection day. Republic Services will return to collect the brown bin after the final collection. These bins are the property of Republic Services and cannot be used for other City collection services.
Properties that do not wish to use the City’s curbside recycling service or would like to order additional bins should contact Public Services at 989-837-6900 after their new GFL bin is delivered. Bins are owned by GFL and cannot be used for other City collection services.
City recycling customers are reminded that they can find collection schedules and disposal instructions for 10,000+ household items, as well as sign up for collection reminders for all City services, on the free Recycle Coach app available for mobile devices on the App Store and Google Play or online at
For more information on the City’s curbside collection services, please contact Public Services at 989-837-6900 or visit
Katie Guyer, Communications Coordinator, (989) 837-3307